The British weather is erratic to say the least. We had the driest few months toward the beginning of the year which prompted a hose pipe ban that then lasted throughout the wettest june and July on record! This week southern Britain is experiencing a mini heatwave which will probably end up prompting yet another hosepipe ban, should it linger.
This of course means gardens are lurching from boom to bust and they can really suffer through our odd dry patches. One way to ensure your plants get through a drought is to use plastic pails to create your very own mini irrigation system and Iit's a surprisingly simple procedure.
Firstly, purchase a number of 2.5 gallon plastic pails, wholesale preferably to save money.
Using a drill with a 1/2 inch bit, punch four small holes into each of the pails and then bury them to to rim level in the soil.
Position each pail centred between every three to four plants, so bear this in mind when you're planting. Dig the hole as deep and wide as the pail you're about to put in it.
Once buried in position, you can then fill them with water (or wait for it to rain, dependent on which mood our weather is in).
Once full of water, the pails then begin to distribute a steady drip through to the surrounding soil efficiently and without wasting splashes of water where you don't want it. (There's a double benefit of limiting the splashes as it not only prevents you wasting water, it also helps to keep any disease-infested pathogens buried in the soil and not splattered onto any vegetation.)
Repeat the above process with the rest of the pails, ensuring one plastic pail for every three to four plants.
Once the growing season has come to an end, dig up the pails from the holes and give them a good clean using a mild mix of bleach and water, and then put them away for the winter, ready to be used again when spring returns.